The Amazing Power of Your Mind - A MUST SEE!

'It's you that control you' 
Your thoughts are powerful and they frame the triumphs or tragedies of your life. What you accept becomes the architect of your life. So many times we just allow the mind to wander. If you want to develop a winning mentality you have to learn how to focus the mind. The mind is always racing, you have the power to determine what resides in your mind. Just because a thought comes to you does not mean that you have to take that thought captive. In other words. you should not give everything the right to take up residence in your mind. What you plant will always determine what you produce. Intentionally plant thoughts that are in alignment with your purpose. Once a thought is taken captive that thought begins to create your life.

'Question your belief'
Negative thoughts are thoughts that are poisonous to your potential and must be uprooted from the mind. In order to uproot toxic thoughts you must detach from thoughts that defraud you of progress and purpose. You must get rid of the old way of thinking if you want to live the life of an overcomer. The powerful thing about the mind is that no thought has the power to be planted without your permission. Your mind is the product of what you have permitted.Positive thoughts are inspired thoughts that awaken us to our greater potential. Positive thoughts can only be planted with intention. In order to plant positive thoughts you will have to reprogram the mind. The only way to reprogram the mind is to get to the root of neagative thoughts that are haunting you from a greater quality of life. Reprogramming the mind is a hectic process but it is the only way to reach your true potential. You must plant positive thoughts by challenging your belief system. Your belief system is the key to your success or failure in life. When you challenge your belief system you are able to break through the barriers standing between you and the life of your dreams. You are able to create a new paradigm. We have to challenge habits. Challenging habits empowers us to operate from a higher realm of consciousness. When we raise the conscience we experience remarkable results in our lives. Positive thoughts cannot dominate a poisoned mind.

How to unleash the power of the mind.
 The key to unlocking the power of the mind is renewing your mind daily. We are good at maintenance when it comes to cars and houses. However, we fail miserably when it comes to the maintenance of our minds. Whatever you do not maintenance will inevitably malfunction. The mind that is neglected will produce a defeated life. A wasted mind is one of life’s greatest regrets. You must renew your mind regularly. Renewing your mind is scrutinizing what you think and how you think. Your thought process is what you think. Your thought pattern is how you think. You must fill your mind with the kinds of thoughts that propel momentum in your life. Inconsistent results are the product of unintentional thinking. If you do not like what you are producing you need to change what you are planting. Your mind will either be a place of victimization or victory. The power to transform your life begins with changing how you think!
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